Water Quality Update for July 19, 2024 

CyanoHABs (Harmful Algal Blooms): No Blooms Reported
Average Secchi Disk Water Clarity: 4.1 meters
Average Surface Water Temperature: 75 F

Friday, July 19 2024 – Today marks the official start of the volunteer cyanoHABs monitoring program for Canandaigua Lake. This summer, we have 77 volunteers monitoring 69 zones around the lake!  CLWA volunteers are trained on how to identify cyanoHABs and report their findings using a mobile app developed by our friends at Seneca Lake Pure Waters. The timely reports help document trends in water quality and enable us to share the most current lake conditions with our members and the community. We thank our volunteers for keeping a trained eye on the lake! 

… Did you know?

  • CLWA has a cyanoHABs monitoring page on our website with resources and an interactive map of the Canandaigua Lake bloom reports. Click on the dots to see the dates of the reports.
  • CLWA also hosts an easy-to-use online survey where lake foam reports can be submitted. Please visit the lake foam webpage to find out more and scroll to the bottom to submit reports! 

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or to report suspicious blooms. You can email us at HABS@canandaigualakeassoc.org.