It’s challenging weeks like this past one that prove how dedicated CLWA volunteers are to our programs. We can’t thank all of our AMAZING water quality monitoring volunteers enough for being so diligent during this highly intense week of blooms. If you know someone who volunteers their time to this program, please make an effort to thank them the next time you see them. Maybe even give them a hug!
These folks give a lot of their time to help keep us all informed on lake conditions and help to educate the community of the risks posed by cHABS. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all of you fabulous volunteers!
As we head into the holiday weekend, unfortunately it’s necessary for us all to continue to monitor conditions before deciding to recreate on the Lake. We are continuing to get bloom reports into today, only extending the intensity we have already seen this week. Lake conditions can change daily, if not hourly, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with cyanoHABs and know what to look for to stay safe during this bloom season. Please refer to all the resources found at the bottom of this email to educate yourself fully.
Since last Friday, of the 94 reports submitted by our trained cHAB volunteers, 61 were bloom reports. To date, 48 of them have been confirmed by either the Finger Lakes Institute (FLI) or the NYSDEC. (The DEC confirmation is made by visual inspection of photos submitted by volunteers and there is frequently a lag of several days as the NYSDEC reviews the reports.) We have also confirmed several samples with extreme toxicity. (See the chart below) This is remarkable as it is the longest continuous number of days that blooms were reported (7) since the program began in 2018.
There have also been a total of 7 public reports submitted to the NYSDEC NYHABs portal, 2 on the east side and 5 on the west, that have been confirmed as blooms by the NYSDEC. We appreciate folks who are sharing photos of suspected blooms. If you ever see water that looks suspicious please take 3 good photos with your location service on and report it to the public report form at the NYSDEC NYHABs portal:
The cHABS map on our website is updated more frequently than the DEC’s NYHABS – please check here first for the most current information available.…/shoreline-habs…/ |