“The winds we’ve been experiencing have been great for sailing but less favorable for cyanoHABs formation, which has helped keep bloom activity in check over the past week. We had two localized blooms reported, with one confirmed by the NYS…
“The winds we’ve been experiencing have been great for sailing but less favorable for cyanoHABs formation, which has helped keep bloom activity in check over the past week. We had two localized blooms reported, with one confirmed by the NYS…
As the effects of last week’s tropical storm Debby subside, our watershed community continues to observe lingering impacts. The storm brought localized flooding, with rainfall amounts ranging from 3 to 5.5 inches in…
Today’s water quality update will be brief, as we have had a decrease in bloom activity on the lake over the past last week. There have been no confirmed blooms since last Saturday, August…
Water Quality Update for Friday, August 2nd This week’s update is from Watershed Manager Kevin Olvany, Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council. With the hot weather and very calm winds, conditions have been ripe for concentrations of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) to rise…
CyanoHABs (Harmful Algal Blooms): 11 Blooms Reported, 5 Confirmed Average Secchi Disk Water Clarity: 6.8 meters Average Surface Water Temperature: 75 .5 F On Tuesday, July 23rd, we shared a mid-week update notifying the public that blooms were observed on…
CLWA received 6 reports this afternoon from the northeast side of the lake from volunteers and the public reporting cyanoHABs. The reports ranged from observations of green-tinted water to cyanobacteria forming surface streaks. Deep Run public beach was closed…
CyanoHABs (Harmful Algal Blooms): No Blooms Reported Average Secchi Disk Water Clarity: 4.1 meters Average Surface Water Temperature: 75 F Friday, July 19 2024 – Today marks the official start of the volunteer cyanoHABs monitoring program for Canandaigua Lake. This…
July 2, 2024 The CLWA team was out bright and early Sunday morning participating in the first round of sampling for a study investigating the occurrence of perchlorate in lakes following fireworks displays. The study is led by the North…
As we dive into the first official week of summer, we’re excited to bring you the first of our weekly water quality updates. Every Friday, you can expect an email from us with the latest information on water quality conditions…