Category: News

Special Contribution Article: Looking to purify lake water from cyanobacteria and PFAS? Consider these two options.

Looking to purify lake water from cyanobacteria and PFAS? Consider these two options.  Special Contribution By Dr. Bruce Capron Folks of a certain age remember pulling drinking water directly from the lake with nary a care. Most homeowners with private

Posted in Drinking Water, News Tagged with: ,

Eagle Scout Candidate Jason Rocca Enhances Lagoon Park with Educational Wildlife Signs and Donates Funds to CLWA

Eagle Scout Candidate Jason Rocca Enhances Lagoon Park with Educational Wildlife Signs and Donates Funds to CLWA This summer, Lagoon Park in Canandaigua received a significant upgrade thanks to the dedication and hard work of 16-year-old Eagle Scout Jason Rocca.

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CLWA Honors Award Recipients at Annual Meeting

CLWA was pleased to recognize several individuals and organizations at our annual meeting on Thursday. June 27th at Star Cider. Read more about the tremendous impact they make on the watershed! Finger Lakes Land Trust: Partner in Protection, accepted by

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Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) pull in the West River a success!

July 17, 2024 – Volunteers joined the Finger Lakes PRISM (Partnership for Invasive Species Management) and CLWA in the West River on Wednesday to assist with managing Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS).  The main target species was water chestnut (Trapa natans)

Posted in Lake Monitoring, News, Water Quality Updates

Winter 2024 Newsletter

2024/Winter Newsletter by CLWA

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CLWA Submits Public Comment on Scenic Ridge Rise Subdivision

CLWA participates at public hearings and submits written comments to the respective town planning boards when we have concerns about proposed developments that have potential negative environmental impacts to the lake. In the case of the proposed Scenic Ridge Rise

Posted in News, Position Statements

CLWA Provides Letter of Support for the Birds and the Bees Protection Act

Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association (CLWA) has reviewed scores of scientific studies on neonicotinoid insecticides, with a focus on understanding the benefits and costs of these compounds to the economy and to the environment. We are convinced that the excessive and

Posted in News, Position Statements

CLWA Receives Funding to Establish Underwater Preserve

The project aims to celebrate the local underwater history and heritage of Canandaigua Lake  The Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association is pleased to announce the success of a $10,000 grant from the Rochester Area Community Foundation under their Historic Preservation program to

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The Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association and Finger Lakes Land Trust (FLLT) invite the public to participate in EVERY FAMILY OUTSIDE:  programs designed to educate while exploring nature and all the region has to offer! Canandaigua, NY, May 27, 2022- The

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SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry PhD Student Studying Benthic Cyanobacteria on Canandaigua Lake

Abby Webster is a PhD student at SUNY ESF studying benthic and attached cyanobacteria in the Finger Lakes. She works closely with the team at the Finger Lakes Institute in Geneva to conduct her field work, and last summer, deployed

Posted in News, Water Quality Updates