The timing of blooms is in line with what we’ve seen in the season’s past. Cyanobacteria are trying to optimize the light to use for photosynthesis and they may hang at the surface on calm days.
There are still a few more weeks left in the shoreline monitoring program and there will continue to be trained eyes on the lake well into the fall between paid watershed staff and volunteers. If you remember, in 2021 we had blooms late into October.
As always, please continue to use your visual indicators when recreating in the lake – conditions may change daily, if not hourly, so look for signs of surface streaking of algae, surface scums, or green/discolored water. These areas should be avoided.
The HABs and secchi disk monitoring programs are nearing an end for the season, but we are continuously thinking of ways to expand our monitoring networks in the future. If you are a CLWA supporter and would like to get involved in volunteering next season, feel free to send us an email to and we will add you to our training list for next year! |