Harmful Algae Blooms: No Blooms Reported
Average Secchi Disk Water Clarity: 4.9 meters
Average Surface Water Temperature: 74.3 F
Lake Level: 688.27 feet above sea level
There were no Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) reported this week.
CLWA’s volunteer network continues to be strong, with 56 shoreline reports and 12 secchi disk water clarity readings recorded this week. Our average water clarity decreased by a full meter, from 5.9 meters last week to 4.9 meters this week. We also saw almost a 2 degree decrease in the average surface water temperature, down to 73.7 degrees Fahrenheit from 76.1 reported last week. Interestingly, in the first week of August in 2022, volunteers recorded our peak surface water temperature for the season. Comparatively, we are nearly 4 degrees cooler than that this year at the same time. The cool summer nights we’ve recently experienced have had an impact on our water temperatures!
Several members on the east side of the lake have noted an increase in aquatic plant materials washing up on shore. As a reminder – best practice is to remove aquatic plant material from shorelines before it starts decomposing and washing back into the lake, adding excess nutrients. Plant material can be pulled offshore to dry out and either disposed of or composted.
We encourage our members to keep an eye out and report any water quality concerns you may notice. Please email HABs@canandaigualakeassoc.org with any questions. Photos are also helpful.
Have a great weekend!