As watershed residents, we all share the responsibility in protecting the health of Canandaigua Lake. The good news is, we are empowered to make sound management decisions that will have a positive impact on our watershed. Start simply by adopting lake-friendly lawn care practices on your property!

Excess nutrients in our lake can contribute to harmful algal blooms, increased aquatic plant growth, and the degradation of our water quality. So let’s work together to preserve the integrity of our beautiful lake for years to come.

Being lake-friendly means making active choices that prioritize the health of the lake, over trying to maintain a “perfect” weed free lawn. In this case, doing “less” is more! It can be as simple as saying no to harmful chemicals and excess fertilizers on our lawns, and tolerating some weeds and pests before using pesticides and herbicides.

Take the Lake Friendly Lawn Care Pledge!

Take the pledge today and volunteer to proudly display a “Lake Friendly Lawncare” sign. Signs are free for dues-paying CLWA members and can be displayed proudly on your property to let your neighbors know that you are doing your part to protect the lake.

Fill out the below form and we will contact you to make arrangements to get you a sign.

I Pledge…..

I’m committed … to prioritizing the health of the lake over trying to obtain a “perfect” weed free lawn.

I will … strive to maintain dense vegetation with minimal inputs, which can be accomplished through simple adjustments like mowing grass higher, mulching leaves and clippings, and patching bare spots.

I will … forgo 4-step programs and the excessive use of chemicals and instead address persistent weeds and pests with a spot treatment approach (or better yet, hand-pulling).

I pledge… to follow the recommendations for lake friendly lawn care, and to make environmentally-sound choices that will positively impact the water quality of Canandaigua Lake.

Lake Friendly Lawn Care Pledge Form
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I would like a sign to help promote Lake Friendly Lawn Care: (This would be for yards that are highly visible for people to see the sign and are in the Canandaigua Lake Watershed.)
How would you like to receive your Lake Friendly Lawn Care sign?

Managing Stormwater

A rain barrel attached to your downspouts can collect rainwater which would otherwise pick up soil, fertilizer, oil, pesticides and other contaminants from hard surfaces and landscapes.  Learn more by checking out this Virtual Rain Barrel Worshop with the Ontario County Soil and Water Conservation District.